Adventurer 3 Pro 2
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3D Print Removal Tool - Red Handle Scraper
PB Select™
$4.993D Print Removal Tool - Scraper Includes: Scraper (1 pcs)$4.99 -
3D Print Removal Tool - Scraper
$4.49Flashforge 3D Print Removal Tool Spatula for removing 3D prints from the build surface. This is the same tool that is provided with many of the new Flashforge 3D printers. Includes: Spatula (1 pcs)$4.49 -
Air Duct for Print Cooling - Adventurer 3 Pro 2, Adventurer 4 Pro | Flashforge
$9.99Flashforge Hotend Air Duct Directs air to the part being printed. Includes: Air duct (1pcs) Fits: Adventurer 3 Pro 2Adventurer 4 Pro Note: Does not include mounting hardware.$9.99 -
Bearing Under Build Tray - Adventurer 3, MP Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$3.49Bearing Under Build Tray This bearing is located on the underside of the build plate tray. Specifications:ID: 4mmOD: 12mmW: 4mm Includes: Bearing (1 pcs) Fits: Adventurer 3 (all versions)Monoprice VoxelRobo E3$3.49 -
Bed Magnet Sheet - Adventurer 3 Pro 2 | Flashforge
$10.99Build Plate Magnet for Flashforge Adventurer 3 Pro 2 Includes: Magnet (1 pcs) Fits: Adventure 3 Pro 2$10.99 -
Brim Scraper (Mini Scraper) Black or Orange
PB Select™
$1.99Brim Scraper (Mini Scraper) We find this tool handy for removing the brim, and purge lines from the build plate. Includes: Brim Scraper (1 pcs)$1.99 -
Build Plate Heater - Adventurer 3 Pro 2 | Flashforge
$38.49Build Plate Heater for Flashforge Adventurer 3 Pro 2 Includes: Heater (1 pcs) Fits: Adventure 3 Pro 2$38.49 -
Build Plate Leveling Sensor - Adventurer 3 Pro 2, Adventurer 4 Pro | Flashforge
$27.49Bed Leveling Sensor Switch Includes: Sensor (1 pcs) Fits:Adventurer 3 Pro 2Adventurer 4 Pro$27.49 -
Cable - X Motor - Adventurer 3, MP Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$10.99Flashforge Cable - X Axis Stepper Motor Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Adventurer 3 (all versions)Monoprice VoxelRobo E3$10.99 -
Cable for Extruder Motor - Adventurer 3/4, MP Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$7.99Flashforge Extruder Motor Cable Runs from extruder motor to mainboard. Length: 62cm Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits: Adventurer 3 (all versions)Adventurer 4 (all versions)Monoprice VoxelRobo E3$7.99 -
Cable for Filament Sensor - Adventurer 3/4, MP Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$7.99Flashforge Filament Sensor Cable Runs from filament sensor to mainboard Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Adventurer 3 (all versions)Adventurer 4 (all versions)Monoprice VoxelRobo E3$7.99 -
Cable for Nozzle Heating - Adventurer 3, Adventurer 4, Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$5.49Nozzle Heating Cable Connects nozzle to transfer board. Length: 6cm Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Adventurer 3 (all versions)Adventurer 4 (all versions)Monoprice VoxelRobo E3$5.49 -
Cable for Y Axis Motor - Adventurer 3, MP Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$6.99Flashforge Y Stepper Motor Cable Runs from Y axis motor to mainboard. Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Adventurer 3Adventurer 3 ProAdventurer 3 Pro 2Monoprice VoxelRobo E3$6.99 -
Cable for Y Limit Switch - Adventurer 3, MP Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$7.99Flashforge Cable for Y Limit Switch - Y Max Runs from Y axis limit switch to the mainboard. Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Adventurer 3 (all versions)Monoprice VoxelRobo E3$7.99 -
Ceramic Eyelet - Adventurer 3/4, Guider 2, Guider 2S HT, MP Voxel, Robo E3 | Flashforge
$4.49Flashforge Ceramic Eye - Filament Guide Includes: Eyelet (1 pcs) Fits:Adventurer 3 (all versions)Adventurer 4 (all versions)DreamerGuider 2Guider 2SGuider 2S HTInventorMonoprice VoxelRobo E3$4.49 -
E Clip - 5 Pack | Flashforge
$3.49Flashforge E-Clips For holding timing pulley to 5mm motor and axle shafts Includes: E-Clip (5pcs)$3.49 -
Edge Cleanup (Deburring) Tool for 3D Prints
$14.953D Print Cleanup Tool This deburring tool is great for cleaning the brim off the long, straight edges of your 3D prints. We find it easier to use than an Exacto knife, because the blade doesn't dig into the plastic print as easily. The swivel head makes...$14.95 -
Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Hand | Flashforge
$21.99Flashforge Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Side Includes:Filament lever (1 pcs)Backing plate assembly (1 pcs)Groove bearing (1 pcs)Groove bearing retaining plate (1 pcs)Shoulder bolt (1 pcs)Spring (1 pcs)6mm...$21.99 -
Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Hand | Used
$14.49Flashforge Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Side Includes:Filament lever (1 pcs)Backing plate assembly (1 pcs)Groove bearing (1 pcs)Groove bearing retaining plate (1 pcs)Shoulder bolt (1 pcs)Spring (1 pcs)6mm...$14.49 -
Extruder PCB Board (X Limit Switch) - Adventurer 3 Pro 2, Adventurer 4 Pro | Flashforge
$14.49Flashforge Extruder Board (Extruder Transfer Board) This is the top PCB board that the flat cable plugs into. It is also the X axis sensor. Includes: Transfer board/limit switch (1 pcs) Fits: Adventurer 3 Pro 2Adventurer 4 Pro$14.49