Creator Max 2
Cable for (LEFT) Extruder PCB - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Flashforge
$10.99Flashforge Extruder PCB Cable - Left This cable runs form the extruder to the mainboard. Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits: Creator Pro 2 (left extruder)Creator Pro Max (left extruder)$10.99 -
Cable for (LEFT) Extruder PCB - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Used
$8.99Used Item Removed from low hour 3D printer. May have minor scratches and/or cosmetic imperfections. Flashforge Extruder PCB Cable - Left This cable runs form the extruder to the mainboard. Includes: Cable (1...$8.99 -
Cable for (RIGHT) Extruder PCB - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Flashforge
$10.99Flashforge Extruder PCB Cable - Right This cable runs form the extruder to the mainboard. Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits: Creator Pro 2 (right extruder PCB)Creator Max 2 (right extruder PCB)$10.99 -
Cable for (RIGHT) Extruder PCB - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Used
$14.95Used Item Cables are removed from low hour 3D printers. Flashforge Extruder PCB Cable - Right This cable runs form the extruder to the mainboard. Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits: Creator Pro 2 (right extruder...$14.95 -
Cable for Heated Bed - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Flashforge
$9.99Flashforge Heated Bed Cable This cable runs from the heated bed to the mainboard. Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2$9.99 -
Cable for Heated Bed - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Used
$6.99Used Item Cables are removed from low hour 3D printers. Flashforge Heated Bed Cable This cable runs from the heated bed to the mainboard. Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2$6.99 -
Cable for TFT Touch Screen - Creator Pro 2, Max 2
$7.99Cable for Flashforge TFT Touch Screen Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2 WARNING Pay attention to the orientation of your current cable. Plugging this cable in backwards can...$7.99 -
Cable for TFT Touch Screen - Creator Pro 2, Max 2 - Used
$7.99Used Item Removed from low hour 3D printer Cable for Flashforge TFT Touch Screen Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2 WARNING Pay attention to the orientation of your current cable...$7.99 -
Cable for X Limit Switch (Left Side) - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Refurbished
$6.99Refurbished Item Removed from a new or lightly used 3D printer. Cable for Left Side X Limit Switch (Endstop) Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Location: Left Side Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2$6.99 -
Cable for X Limit Switch (Right Side) - Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Refurbished
$6.99Refurbished Item Removed from a new or lightly used 3D printer. Cable for Right Side X Limit Switch (Endstop) Includes: Cable (1 pcs) Location: Right Side Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2$6.99 -
E Clip - 5 Pack | Flashforge
$3.49Flashforge E-Clips For holding timing pulley to 5mm motor and axle shafts Includes: E-Clip (5pcs)$3.49 -
Edge Cleanup (Deburring) Tool for 3D Prints
$14.953D Print Cleanup Tool This deburring tool is great for cleaning the brim off the long, straight edges of your 3D prints. We find it easier to use than an Exacto knife, because the blade doesn't dig into the plastic print as easily. The swivel head makes...$14.95 -
Electronics Cooling Fan (40x20mm) Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Flashforge
$14.49Flashforge 4020 Fan Cools the electronics in the bottom of the printer. Includes: Fan (1 pcs) Size: 40x40x20mm Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2$14.49 -
Extruder Assembly (Right Side) Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Flashforge
$149.95Flashforge Extruder Assembly (RH) Complete, fully assembled RIGHT SIDE extruder assembly. Includes: Stepper motor (1 pcs)Heatsink (1 pcs)Fan - Heatsink (1 pcs)Fan - Print cooling (1 pcs)Fan cover (1 pcs)Extruder PCB board (1 pcs)Heat break...$149.95 -
Extruder Lever Assembly - Left Hand | Flashforge
$21.99Flashforge Extruder Lever Assembly - Left Side Includes:Filament leverBacking plate assembly (1 pcs)Groove bearing (1 pcs)Groove bearing retaining plate (1 pcs)Shoulder bolt (1 pcs)Spring (1...$21.99 -
Extruder Lever Assembly - Left Hand | Used
$14.49Used Item Removed from low hour 3D printers Flashforge Extruder Lever Assembly - Left Side Includes:Filament lever (1 pcs)Backing plate assembly (1 pcs)Groove bearing (1 pcs)Groove bearing retaining plate (1...$14.49 -
Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Hand | Flashforge
$21.99Flashforge Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Side Includes:Filament lever (1 pcs)Backing plate assembly (1 pcs)Groove bearing (1 pcs)Groove bearing retaining plate (1 pcs)Shoulder bolt (1 pcs)Spring (1 pcs)6mm...$21.99 -
Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Hand | Used
$14.49Flashforge Extruder Lever Assembly - Right Side Includes:Filament lever (1 pcs)Backing plate assembly (1 pcs)Groove bearing (1 pcs)Groove bearing retaining plate (1 pcs)Shoulder bolt (1 pcs)Spring (1 pcs)6mm...$14.49 -
Extruder PCB Board (Left Side) Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Flashforge
$10.99Flashforge Extruder PCB Board Includes: PCB Board (1 pcs) Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2 Note: For Left Side extruder only Right side extruder PCB board available here$10.99 -
Extruder PCB Board (Right Side) Creator Pro 2, Creator Max 2 | Flashforge
$10.99Flashforge Extruder PCB Board Includes: PCB Board (1 pcs) Fits:Creator Pro 2Creator Max 2 Note: For right side extruder only Left side extruder PCB board available here$10.99